Thursday, December 02, 2021

Daily Notes- December 2nd- Cold and Wet as it is raining today.

 I think this might be Dee?  I don't know where it came from but I liked the image. Let me know if it's yours?  I like it very very much which is why it's in the picture file.

I spent some of the day doing Not Much (other than laundry).  I did enjoy the Sports Shows.  They were discussing the Buffalo Stadium and the Fans.   The fact that the people in the stands actually have sex right there in the seats-- making the TV cameramen's job both fun and not fun, I guess.  And throw sex toys onto the field.  And throw cans of beer and garbage at the Patriots Bus when it arrives.  So.....all that was news to me. Buffalo.  We drove thru Buffalo once. Or around it. Once.

I worked on the December desk calendar a bit.  Most of this first week is actually under the Mac's stand. So, hard to get at and even harder to see.  And it's also pretty dark in the house right now.  I have the lights by the front window on but not over here by the desk.

I baked potatoes.  Yesterday.  They weren't very good.  I was so looking forward to them with butter chives and sour cream...but they were just blah.  A great disappointment.

I do have one interesting thing to tell you.  I was channel surfing past the Naughty Lifetime Channel and my eyes caught on an actress who looked familiar.  Yes.  She is in the Signed Sealed and Delivered Post Office series.  They get engaged and barely are able to brush their lips together in an awkward kiss that makes me cringe on the Post Office Series. 

Well....not on Naughty Lifetime.  So NOT!!!!! Not on Naughty Lifetime.  So the Hallmark Actors actually do know how to KISS on a bed with hands all over..  They just are not allowed to on Hallmark. 

And NOW I won't almost spill or spit up my coffee when I see them on Naughty Lifetime "going at it". Because Naughty Lifetime is Really Nasty.  The Other Lifetime is somewhere between Hallmark and Nasty.  And they kiss but they don't Murder, Rape, Kidnap or Terrorize. Like I said- Nasty.

The Kiss in the Elevator Movie recorded yesterday..  On Regular Lifetime.  And, it's a great kiss. I am going to watch it today.  And some one does gets punched in the nose- twice.  

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