Saturday, November 27, 2021

Daily Notes- November 27th- Snow overnight- melting right now.

 An image of an After Thanksgiving Sandwich. I am not sure what the pink marbled stuff is. Cranberry mayo????  I had another plate of all the sides yesterday for supper.  So good. Husband reverted to the Chicken Parm prepared meal- who is surprised????.  And didn't remember there was pumpkin pie.  He wanted packaged treats.

There is very little impetus for me to do home cooking.  I might bake cookies.  As a Birthday Gift.

I went out today to get his inhaler prescription.  I also got him a Variety Cake. Four different quarters of cake- Caramel, Carrot, Red Velvet and Chocolate for his Birthday tomorrow.  I forgot ice cream but he really won't miss it.  I'm not sure he will like the Red Velvet but he does eat a Red Velvet yogurt. So..... and I have the cookies I "might" bake as backup.  The cake is in the garage fridge.  It'll be a surprise.

I read a book yesterday.  The Dating Plan by Sara Desai.  I have asked for her first book The Marriage Game and it should be in next week.  These are books my library hasn't purchased for the collection but I think they should as it was quite good for a rom-com.  Some names and locations (bridal shop) seemed to overlap with another author so for awhile I was confused.  

Today I am re-reading Shipped.  A rom com that takes place on a cruise ship.  I will skip the first 30 or more pages.  Tedious. Where was the Editor????  And I think I will be making myself a Thanksgiving Sandwich today. Minus the drippy stuff.  I will use the last of the Boozy Cranberries.

Daughter came over yesterday (in the cold rain) and hauled the 48 inch (heavy) round wreaths from the Attic and got them up on the front porch.  We switched them on yesterday when it got dark.  One wreath had a section of lights out so she had to go into the Attic get the fourth one.  Thankfully all it's lights worked.  I was pretty happy I had tucked the cord and timer into my underwear drawer after last Christmas.  But need to tuck the light sparker gun in with the wreath timer next time and the box of extra lights.  I think in the next few months that drawer will be full of things that "get lost" and I will need a new space for my underwear.  I just hope I don't forget where the underwear ends up????

Laundry today.  Washing Machine Pages.  Highlights of the Day.  Which is so very very sad.

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