Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Daily Notes- November 17th. Sunshine and A Chill in the Air

 More delightful art from the "littlesomethings" blog.  Check the sidebar.  Or click on the art.  these are folded paper people.  

It's sort of dull here at home.  Husband has gone to the dentist to have a cavity taken care of.  This is the first of three appointments he has with the dentist.  I didn't have any cavities which was happy news.

I was up in the 40 degree Attic again looking for a large plastic tub.  I have quite a bit of thread, cloth and projects piled to my left as I sit on the couch reading or watching tv.  It looks like I have Hoarder Tendencies.  I really don't.   I just have a Tendency "not to return things to where I found them".  I could lift it all and carry the pile down to the Little Sewing Room.  Put it all on sorted by color shelving.  Find it later when I am actually sewing.   

Or just leave it all where it is.  Sigh. The leave it where is isn't working that well for me this week..

Alexa from Bank of America just called.  Robo calling is very very busy this week.

I finished All The Boys I Have Loved-- they had a messy but great Christmas at the end. I started and finished (2am) jemima j by Jane Green.  Fat girl gets fit and thin and finds love but not really....... until the last 20 pages.  This was a one dollar Goodwill find by daughter.  I read it straight thru so that is some sort of review......right?  British.  And the story was told three or four ways.  Depending on who was speaking at the time.  The author was speaking directly to the Reader quite often. "you and I might have been suspicious??? but our girl was not" "don't you find his behavior odd?"  An interesting way to go about things.  I didn't mind.  She has other books I might go looking for.  

I have a book to return to library.  My car needs gas.  I need more dark chocolate candy and milk for my oatmeal.  I might buy a few prepared meatloaf actual meal. I said last month I wouldn't be doing that anymore.  I could also look at the frozen dinners.  Could be interesting.  Husband just offered to take me and then go get me gas.  I said yes.

1 comment:

  1. Hope all is ok at your home. You did not post yesterday and have me worried.
