So NOT getting into a canoe. EVER This image from a senior magazine that arrived yesterday in the mail.
I have some important things to do today- same list as yesterday and the day before. I only did one- I paid my credit card bill. I haven't done any laundry. I did dust the floor. With my Swiffer. Which I love. I had Halloween candy after eating my oatmeal. Hell in a Hand Basket around here lately.
I think I finally got myself back to normal, sleep wise, since the day before my teeth cleaning when I got ZERO sleep. It took three nights. Hard to make up for lost sleep. When you get OLD.
We are having Sunday's Football Pizza today. Somehow it seemed like too much trouble every afternoon. We could wait till tomorrow and have Thursday Night Football Pizza??? That's the way I am rolling in November, I guess. Started a good book but then set it aside. Looked at a few cloth projects- and set them aside. Was looking for my mask templates--I seem to always lose them--I should paste them to the wall or the inside of the closet door. I'll do that as soon as I hit print. I want to make a Christmas Mask. Holiday Fabric. I wanted one last year........but made masks for daughter and not one for me.
I did start taping recipes to the inside of the kitchen cabinet doors. If I make it-- tape it.
I use Scotch Tape. Easy enough to reorganize as to preference with Scotch Tape.
Watched a Christmas movie on Hallmark- I had seen it in years past but the kissing and standing close to each other seemed genuine. Like the people might actually enjoying being together. They even did a decent job of dancing together and made eye contact. Didn't get the "ick" I usually get when actors in Hallmark actually touch each other. And no one had curling iron hair. That should be a Bingo clue, Dee. Curling Iron Hair. Looks Incredibly Stupid the way they do it. Sausage Hair.
Reading: Once and For All by Sarah Dessen. Another YA book. Recommended by a librarian. The lead character is 18 and graduating from high school. Two possible guys. One in college who was mesmerized by the tape dispenser in the office (the wedding planner was begged to give him a job) and kept pushing the button to dispense tape and the other the brother of a bride making her 4th or 5th trip to the altar. The brother goes missing all the time. And there is a dark horse- a Groomsman at the wedding in progress as I am reading. The writing is very good. The characters seem realistic. So far the plot has dragged. One and a half pages of the tape dispenser.......It must have something to do with the plot but.....sigh. The Groomsman is the "one who broke her heart" I think. I have no idea what I will be doing today. Reading. Sports TV. Pizza Making. Laundry and the Washing Machine Pages. Or none of them.
And the interest in Odel Beckman. And the Patriots. Gag.
Who would have thought, last year, that we'd still be making masks this year?