Saturday, October 23, 2021

Daily Notes- October 23rd- A Cold and Damp Saturday

 On the wall.  I pin cloth to cloth and let them marinate on the wall.  This one started out not being very interesting but as the days and weeks have gone by (I don't think it's actually weeks) the combo has started to make sense to me.  Now, I am ready to sew on the four new border strips.   A few others are still in the thinking process.  Might need a pencil thin mitigating strip between two wider strips here.  Blue or purple blue.

I am not actually "making" anything.  I don't need any more potholders.  I don't need placemats.  I don't need quilts.  I could use ART.  But this isn't ART.  Well....I guess in could be......but my art is usually a bit more difficult to like.  And is rarely square.

Life Goes On.  The Red Sox lost spectacularly on Pay Per View last night.  They had ZERO. The other team had 5.  Now the Sports guys can go on and on about WHY.  We KNOW why.  Well, the chatter is that the Sox are really bad or that the Astros cheat.  Depends on where you are sitting.  Now the sports guys will talk about basketball and hockey and I will move on to Hallmark.  Less laughing for sure.  Football is so so demoralizing.  I miss Brady and the old Patriots.  Edelman. From Kent State in Ohio.

I could learn to knit. I did it once.  I liked it.  I never made anything- just a big rectangle and then took it apart and started over.  Many times.  The Process was enough.  I didn't need product.

I'm like that with almost everything.  I like the process/ the doing but not so much the finished items.

Husband has found a recipe for a creamy mushroom soup in a publication I left on the counter (I never learn).  Now he wants me to make it.  There is only a 25% chance he will like and eat what I make.  There is zero chance I will eat it.  There are many steps and techniques involved.  The photo makes me think seriously of brown lumpy paste.

I am not making it today.  I am reading.  Suddenly I have a number of books that need to be returned by Monday.  Need to get started.......

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