Thursday, September 16, 2021

Daily Notes- Thursday, September 16th

 This image might have already been here on the notes- I am cleaning up the picture file.  and I like this picture.  I am having some organizational things happening on the desktop.  Things are sliding sideways. The more I adjust the more things go where I don't want them. Spelling seems iffy also.  I am typing too fast.

I think there are 8 available seats at this table.  Reserve yours.  Wouldn't that be amazingly FUN???

In answer to DebL's SHOUT- yesterday was anniversary and Saturday is birthday.. (son is practically levitating in California saying no no no don't give people those dates)  Still no cake purchased for birthday. Maybe no would be okay.  A few Tiramisu squares would be most excellent. They are boozy. Bakery at grocery usually has them.  I do enjoy a boozy cake. And there is an icy bottle of Cosmo in the fridge.  And a can of Vodka Fizzy something.  People love to give me small serving size "spirits". And Tonic water and limes for a Gin and Tonic.   Who needs cake?

I have a few things to pick up at library.  Books I requested.  Grocery is right next door.

I am doing lots of work here.  Writing down everyone's email address and the actual names of blogs that appears at the top of the screen.. In case I lose everything on this ancient machine.  The filled notebook pages are like insurance. I can still read blogs and get mail on my iPhone if things go sideways..  

It got very very dark here at 5pm yesterday and we were expecting wind rain and power outages.  Nope. But it sure was DRAMATIC.

I watched a bunch of stuff yesterday.  Can't recall any of it.  Oh...sports.  I watch these guys on radio- they are on radio but cameras are also recording- discussing sports.  Men.  It's my new favorite show.  For a couple hours each day.  They argue and yell and laugh and are sad about the Patriots and Red Sox. Makes me laugh. Especially the Red Sox fielding errors.  Those are hilarious. One guy gets merzmerized looking at his arm and the ball he's supposed to catch drops to the ground right in front of his face. Another on first base has the ball roll out of his glove and he scrambles on the ground trying to pick it up with the glove not his bare hand.  And the radio guys are yelling.... You IDIOT.  Good Stuff. Seems none of them can field  a ball on the Boston Team. But they are solidly in the running  for something????


  1. The Grocery Bakery had a Tiramisu CAKE. And rosettes of frosting into which I will stick my candles.
    Perfect!!!! and they had oatmeal and TWO chicken dinners for husband. Sigh. Life is good.

  2. I will sit with my back to the door. Do you play poker?
