Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Daily Notes- the Sun is Shining and I started the day with COFFEE.

 A friend (internet friend) is sending me images- this one is really nice.  The things they can do to plants- manipulating their tiny gene pools.  White edges.  Thank you ml.  Hope the day gets better for you.

Coffee yesterday and today.  I am feeling so much perkier.  The decaf tea wasn't doing anything for me but the decaf coffee does.  Do it for me. Perhaps the bitter after taste?? Brain seemed more on point.

I gave MSNBC about 5 minutes of my attention yesterday and then I changed the channel. Blah. Blah. Blah flogging the same old horse for 6 (9) months. I'm tired of it.  

Grab Hold and Do Something. Tape Mitch's mouth shut. Lock him in his office. Take away his phone.  Tell every one they have a 24 hour office lockdown. No allowance.  Pay cuts. No pay checks. No travel budget.  No vacations. No on camera time. Remove all news staff from the Capital. Turn off the lights.  No Cameras. No TV interviews.  Just Work.  Do the Damn Work. Stop running for re-election.

Sports.  Not as deadly dull as the news.  And sometimes they make me laugh.  The Boston station had Winowich (I am more than likely spelling his name incorrectly).  He is on the Patriots football team.  On the football field he looks regular sized but in the studio yesterday he was tall and wide.  He bleaches his hair white blonde but not his beard which was dark brown or black.  Anyway..massive looking.  He brought his dog (a tiny white breed), his personal assistant and his dog's personal assistant (yes).  

I am guessing people refer to my husband as bringing his personal assistant to meetings and appointments.  That would be ME!!  Should I have my own personal person as well???  I could listen and then instruct my person to write that item down.

This football player has a "goofy loopy dog" personality (dog was well behaved) but during the two interviews I have managed to observe- Win is actually intelligent (paid attention in college).  But goofy.  He'd be all over the place in "personal situations" ( I do read a lot of rom coms) but seems to take direction- at least some of the time.  The interview went off the rails a few times. Law and Order was on but it was a tedious episode so I glad to have the sports.  And Winowich.

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