Saturday, September 04, 2021

Daily Notes- September 4th- Sunshine, no AC unit running.

Good Morning.  This image is by Claire Young.  It was part of the large collection of grasshopper art on the Something blog in my sidebar.  If you are into visual content- please visit and enjoy the banquet  Something provides.  She is a retired Graphic designer and has a great eye for art.

I will try my best to give you names of the artists from now on.  I haven't tried it- with the iffy-ness of my computer these days --but perhaps if you click on the image it will take you to her site?  Let me know if it works, okay?  

Watering the grass again.  It's been cool but sunny.  Dry.  We never got any of Ida's water.  I did check with my neighbor as the Bride, Groom and Baby left that morning to drive to New York City.  They arrived safely.  Just missing the deep water and rain.

I finished the very sexy book and am now reading The Paris Key by Juliet Blackwell.  I have read this book many times and always enjoy it- because...Paris.  I think we have already had the "meet cute" but I could be wrong.

I have switched over to long pants.  I have on navy cotton pants with cuff rolled up so it hits above my ankle bones.  If I had ankle bones.  I am barely eating anything that would keep me at this weight but I stay steady. ( not cool enough to walk yet) Anyway.  Long pants.  No socks.  Work shirt I have worn for over 20 years.  No linen.  I know....Horrors!!!!!  Between Summer Heat and Winter Chill.

Sunny so the DAMN Blue Angels will terrorize the small animals for another day.

Big News.  By blue stick has been located.  And it's now on my ottoman next to where I sit.  My shoulder is very happy as the nerve pain returns- like right now-- and I can roll it away.  The little blue ball? Still missing.