Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Daily Notes- FORGOT to hit PUBLISH yesterday so you have TWO new POSTS

 I forgot to press publish yesterday.  I think I got up to turn the water off for something and never came back to the desk.  It happens when one is 74.11.

Husband cut the new "Grass" yesterday.  Tall weeds, ferns and things.  So now it's all even.  And being watered. I picked the remaining peaches.  About 10.  Usually the counter top is covered with them. Only 10.

I called Appliance Service.  Someone will arrive on Monday.  For $189.  Either the gasket on the door is shot or something else is going on.  The ice maker is making tons of ice.  I dump it out.  Lots of frost inside.  I added a larger piece of tape to the door.  It's a side by side.  So the bungie cord idea- while EXCELLENT won't work here.  I may go ahead and use a bungie cord on the old fridge on the porch.  It has a top freezer section.  And is being held closed with a stick.  

I was cheerfully chatty with the woman taking information.  She said 2 month wait and then I have an appointment on Monday.  It's all good.  And I told her about the Bungie cord idea.

Husband has been asked to raise neighbor's street mailbox- the post office has sent a final warning.  If the box isn't the "new regulation height"- no mail will be delivered.  That new Postal Guy is trying very very hard to stop delivering mail.  Anyway.  It's a project and he has 9 fingernails that he hasn't sliced off as yet.

I need milk.  I forgot to add it to my list.  So I have to go buy milk.  And husband says he needs bagels. I don't know if that is true.  

I had steamed rice and frozen corn for supper with Sweet Soy Sauce.  Wow. That Sweet Soy- red band on the bottle- is fantastic on rice.  I DO NOT get the recommended amount of protein in a day.  I can't eat Soy.  I don't like Eggs.  I don't like Fish. I don't like Chicken. So...I eat fruit and vegetables and just exist unless someone offers me BBQed Pulled Pork.  I do eat peanut butter every once in awhile. Often.

When they do that test to see how strong your bones are- I get a really GREAT number.  Don't know how or why.  But it seems my body is doing something to make strong bones.  I will ask to be measured to see how tall I am next office visit.  See if I am shrinking.  Or ask daughter to measure me.

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