Saturday, August 28, 2021

Daily Notes- August 28th- Saturday Again

 Added horizontal strips from the box Dee sent me.  Contents of her wastebasket. Or what was on the floor.   I think we could do that.  Like a Chain Letter.  Send what's in the wastebasket or on the sewing room floor and take what we like and add our own refuse and then send to the next name on the list.

Those strips- well, just saying...sort of saved this cloth from the rag box.  Just needs to be ironed now. And then I might find some other orphan cloth that wants to come out to play. I was just up in the attic.  Nothing really speaking to me up there.  Radio Silence. I might have outgrown the cloth in the closet- again. It's the strangest feeling.  To go up there and, I still like everything, but none of it WORKS.

And none of daughter's friends are having babies.  Not even husbands.  Not even significant others. So all those Jolly Polka Dots + Stripes are feeling really left out.  And none of the Hospitals want quilts. The Police Units prefer acrylic or micro fiber.  Warming. For abandoned children they pick up.

What World We Live In Now.

No Grass Watering on this Cloudy Saturday (I thought it was Sunday) as husband is cutting the grass because it's in the 70's and cloudy.  Finally.

I just noticed- under the table on the glassed in Porch is a bottle of stinky fish based fertilizer.  Perfect for the Almost Grass.  A very Yummy Stinky Grass Treat-- especially if I spill some on myself.  And perhaps something fertile that is less likely to get on my skin and clothing???

Reading Life is Short.  About a You Tube blogger who must make millions on "her channel" as she travels, takes care of her drugged up family members, replaces iPhones for them like on a daily basis etc....and has taken in the 3 week old baby belonging to her druggy sister.  Baby is endlessly crying on this particular evening and at 4am the Defense attorney who wears Armani suits to work and shares a bedroom wall with her- knocks on her door and says "hand me the baby."  He also asks her to please go take a shower as she is covered in baby snot and vomit.  She takes a quick shower and....... no crying so she assumes in a wild panic that he has stolen the baby.  Instead he and baby are fast asleep on the couch. Meet Cute.

I may or may not continue.  She thinks she is going to die of ALS (so many paragraphs devoted to this....) and is trying to run off and see the World before she can't.  He has a fear of flying but knows how to cook and has a washing machine which our gal is in desperate need of.... but is that enough???  

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