Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Daily Notes- August 25th- One More Day and I Get My Haircut.

 If we have had this one already- sorry- but not really. Love the blots of watery grey in the centers.  I used to paint like this. Especially like the upper left green apple and the lower left red apple.  Thinking about digging the paints out of hall closet. Doing a Nine Apples.  Getting it framed.  So I have nice stuff on the walls in assisted living someday.

Library.  Rescue Inhaler Usage.  Grocery Store.  August Humidity and HEAT.   Car AC unit. ON.

Watering the Might Actually Someday BE Grass.  And also all the planter boxes of Annuals.  Which are HUGE.  It is so damned hot outside.  Forgot to set the watering timer. Forgot to buy a ball of pizza dough.  Do you think there might be one more ball of pizza dough in the bottom of the freezer?????

Well, TOMORROW is FINALLY HAIRCUT DAY.  For me.  And I pass the grocery on the way home- Pizza Dough Ball.  My hair is very wavy and curly.  Right now.  But not when I was 20.

I now own Blood Orange Seltzer Water and Pink Grapefruit Seltzer Water.  I  think I NEED to eat but what is really being NEEDED is water.  WATER.  I had to get up to look for my cup of cold breakfast coffee.  Finish that. My lips and mouth are very dry. My doctor says it's from mouth breathing and not nose breathing.  My nose is more often than not stuffed up.

Got another big bag of books at the library.  I actually brought my list of authors with me.  And a librarian asked me more than twice if I needed help. Which is why I used the rescue inhaler in the car.

Got to go shut off the water. Move the sprinklers. Turn on the water. Rest.  Sitting quietly breathing in and out.  It will be fine.

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