I had to put this picture (from the clippings drawer) on the desk calendar. In her double digit months she liked to cook the little Fisher Price Farmer and the Chicken in her tiny Revere Ware saucepan on her tiny tiny stove. Serve him up with a spoon in one of her tiny bowls. Her father and I wondered......
Happy Birthday. She already posted and seems someone bought her a frosted cupcake for breakfast.
I ventured out to the library and grocery. Got books. An old National Geographic of space. Planets. Astronauts. Good stuff. Good books. I hope.
The employees at the grocery hadn't made up any chicken Parmesan meals. They didn't want to commit to WHEN they might "feel like making them". They had one in the cooler- so husband has food for today.
And my freezer door isn't staying shut. It bounces open when the fridge door opens and shuts. I guess I need to call for a service visit- if they are doing in house service?????? I have it taped shut now. Now I'll be checking it every 10 minutes -24/7
Watering the Might Be Grass right now and then I might pick Peaches for the neighborhood. Not as hot as the prior days but still needed the AC on for the ride home.
Try a long bungee cord for the freezer door. Just hook and unhook as needed.