Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Daily Notes- August 11th- HUMIDITY is 99%

 It's Unpleasant. Outside.  And that is the kindest thing I can say.

Something happened to my copy printer- the one that no longer speaks to the computer- it is now using a foreign language.  I was making copies of the Stain Removal Charts from the Laundry Book that needs to be returned to the Library and noticed KOPIRANJE is the word replacing PRINT.  I have no ideal WHAT language that is.  Or why.  All I know is Print was the first line.  So I pressed that button.  It's all good.

My friend in Germany found this little episode in the Life of Joanne very funny.  I love that. I had been asking if she knew what language this was.  Perhaps one of you does???

I also sorted embroidery floss that I found in a large bag stuffed into a drawer with wooden beads.  Not my usual placement of items.  I sorted thinking I would have doubles of some colors.  Nope.  I must have bought one of everything.  No. Not everything.  Even thought I am an artist (no caps), there are colors I just do not like.  I didn't buy those.  Orange is one color that I only like in one or two mixtures.  Either very dark or very light.

I think this bag was purchased when I was teaching Needle Turn Appliqué.  As I had no idea what fabrics students would bring to class  I wanted them to be able to choose thread that sort of matched their fabrics.  Making any misplaced stitches "invisible".

There was one skein of black.  One.

I am really wanting to go to the Grocery Store.  But I am trying very hard not to go.

The drain in my bathroom sink is NOW draining perfectly.

Fed husband the frozen vegetable fried rice I had purchased.  He liked it.  But then he said it must have been salty because his ankles had swelled up.  So...can't buy that any more.  Soaked his finger this morning.  He didn't let me clean it last evening.  It looks okay.  But he was going to his foot doctor today so I said he could ask him how things looked.  On his finger.  Fingers- Toes.  So similar, huh?

It's cloudy with a chance of rain and 99% humidity - so I am NOT watering the "might someday be grass" today.  Four more peaches on the grass with one bite out of each.  Deer or Squirrels.  I hate both.

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