Saturday, July 17, 2021

Daily Notes- July 17th- Started the day with a power outage. AC units are on. Humidity is insane.

 What's left of the gorgeous planter by the front steps.  They had eaten the right side and it had just started growing again.  So they came back and ate the left side.  They also finished off the workshop container planting.  I won't write what I am thinking.

Some mornings--it would be better to not even get out of bed.

Yesterday a call from our daughter.  From an intersection north of us.  Sheriff and Tow Truck Driver all talking at once.  Trying to get past the babbling of the woman on the phone with our AAA policy. Daughter's  car was at the intersection.  She pressed the gas to go- and nothing- a few odd sounds..  

Her car is back at the Automotive Repair and my car is in her driveway.  It's just loads of FUN here November and December all over again.  Transmission? Gears?  who knows.  140,000 miles.  I don't think Honda Fit's are supposed to last that long.  Mine has 34K.  She doesn't like the "color" of mine.  So refuses to take it. Like for real and not a loaner.  A car is a car. After the BMW Z3 Roadster (which I loved) I just don't care what I drive.  Or even IF I drive. If I lived in a populated area- I'd Uber.... I don't.

Regarding daughter's experience:  A week or so ago- daughter found seven four leaf clovers.  She is thinking they all got used up with her traffic incident.  The Sheriff just happened to be driving by as was the Tow truck guy. And best of all.  No other car hit her.  It's a Wonderful World.

I'd learn to drive husband's Jeep but it's a "button" car.  I absolutely HATE button cars and all the new cars are button cars. And I positively HATE the screen that lights up with maps and that horrid woman who talks all the time "turn left at the next available street" when the grocery store is not anywhere left....... And the fact that the radio keeps running after you park and shut off the car--until you open the door.  What shit head thought that was a good idea?????

So....not having a great day.  Sigh.  If I was sleepy, I'd go back to bed.  But the pills worked- I slept.   

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