Monday, June 07, 2021

Daily Notes- Good Morning- It's VERY HOT here in Maine.

 Long Ago- and Further Away as each day (of better mental health) passes.......I used to imagine a very minimal Life away from Home and Family.  I think it might have been called Imaginary Running Away From Home and Responsibilities.

The book I was reading.  Rules for Visiting by Jessica Francis Kane.  On a visit to see a friend in New York City they see an "art installation" for Minimal Living.  It included a a closet of some kind and shelving. was the list.  So like the list I was making in my very troubled mind years ago- of what I needed to own in my minimized Running Away Life.  

I don't understand two mirrors.  And I smiled when I got to--a desk calendar.  Even though there is no "desk".  But perhaps there was a fold down table or desk in this "Home in a Box"???  There are two folding chairs.  I always "imagined" a real bed.

A large old dining room table is making it's way to my house from Boston.  Seats 8 to 10.  But no chairs. Lots of extending sections can be added or subtracted.  No one in the family had space for it.  And no one wanted it going to Goodwill.'s coming to stay with me.  More than likely- the additional extensions will go up into the Magic Attic and the basic table will sit here- nearby- as a side or end table near where I sit and read..  For projects needing a work surface.  I can see the table covered in pieces of cloth.  Perhaps- at first I will see it fully extended. See what possibilities it has for me.


  1. You could have on that table - a sewing machine, large cutting mat, wool pressing mat. I can envision it now. Lots of room to spread out - almost like a design wall. Yes!

  2. And put all the extensions in right away and spread out a tablecloth. You'll get accustomed to the dimensions and won't be able to imagine it smaller. Get a chair the right height for you immediately. Stake out your territory. This real estate is yours.
