Sunday, May 30, 2021

Daily Notes- May 30th and it's really COLD

 Cold.  I am wearing my full winter outfit---I added the wool sweater and socks yesterday.  It's 48 outside. And no Sunshine.   The photo is of my paper scrap drawer next to my right elbow.  It's where I forage for art for the desk top  calendar.  On this particular month the 30th and the 31st are in inch tall blocks.  A tight squeeze.

I am reminded of a freezing cold Fourth of July here in Maine- 1992 or 93.  We had the wood stove going. Seriously reconsidering moving to Maine.

Yesterday's book was quite different.  Two women.  In the Rom/Com romance.  I have shied away from the same sex romances. I liked the characters.  The story arc.  And it's not like I don't skip long tedious passages in the heterosexual rom/com it was okay.  I liked the characters.  It could have used some strong plot comments from Beta Readers.  Written In The Stars.  They waited a bit too long to mention the vaguely employed one (reading Tarot cards) had been an Astrophysics doctoral candidate.  And then it was just tossed in....I don't understand why whomever edited the book didn't have that as ...well.. something more?

Now I am reading what is purported to be the "second" book by the gal whose "first" book I really enjoyed (just recently)... Beach Read.  This one is titled People We Meet On Vacation.

They don't meet any people on vacation...  so are the people they meet- each other?  They have known each other since possibly elementary school--or at least gone to the same schools.  It is possible to not know most of the people you went to school with--I am a prime example.  500 in my class at high school. No...don't know the names of more than 12.  My brother was even there at the same time as me.  Never saw him either.  

Now this could say so much more about my personality than anything else ever could. Wow.  Like the note up top.  Don't be defined by your wounds.

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