Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Daily Notes- May 12th- Cloudy with a chance of Sun

 I had forgotten to mention:  While grocery shopping on Monday- there was an announcement that COVID jabs were available at the Pharmacy counter- no appointment- just walk up and get one. And that brought a big smile to my face- under my mask.

Today- like yesterday- Cold Sun.  I stopped using the furnace in the house.  It's cold in here and we go outdoors to warm up.  I kept hoping it would rain yesterday- but no.  And so today I will haul water down to the fenced garden and check on my rhubarb and my herb seedlings.  See how close the French Lilac is to bloom.

I started work on another small (less than playing card size) cloth.  I have so many small bits and pieces. And then- I walked over to the bookcase and dug around and found a bag of tiny multi colored buttons- (North Carolina was their State of origin) and they were better suited to the tiny rectangles.  So, now to remove the larger buttons and add the tiny ones.

An email from the library- seven books I ordered are here.  Ready for pickup.  Until the weather decides to be Warm Spring- I will be reading.

Yesterday the neighbor's friendly cat-  who has been okay to have around..... yesterday we had a bird sitting by the deck. Husband and I couldn't figure out what it was- perhaps a newly born turkey.  But it caught the eye of the cat.  And now.....the cat is not someone I want to see in my yard EVER again.  It's okay, I guess,  for me to allow the cat to hunt and kill chipmunks and mice (rodents).  But I am thinking birds- are past my limits of acceptance. Especially if I have to see it happen right there in front of our back deck.  We tried but we couldn't get outside fast enough............

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