On the ottoman where I collect things. I made the rectangular piece while watching something on tv in the afternoon. Not yesterday- that was the walking day- the day before. I sewed with red thread. I like the stitches to be visible. I will use the pink thread next. I like the bit of purple that escaped the bleaching of this cloth. I have forgotten what color it was to start. But there is a greenish brown and the purple. The slim edges I added- the Walmart black I bleached a few weeks ago. Time is ephemeral these days.
I placed this rectangle on Riley's cloth. It looked like it belonged there - so today I will appliqué it to the place I thought it worked best and then cut from behind to leave only one layer of cloth. Use what I cut away to make something new. That's why things are on that wall. To grow or morph or stay the same. It's a thinking wall.
I always am reminded of PBS shows about painters here in Maine or New England. How they stand in front of the painting and just look. Then dab some paint and then stand and look some more. I need to be more like that. Stand and look. Dab. Dab, again.
Husband has also furnished the front porch with a two seater outdoor loveseat and two arm chairs. Plus the two rockers he prefers. I have no idea why. I was thinking the chairs would be nice in the living room. In case people ever came inside????? Next year. Maybe. Nice brown "wicker" arm chairs. I like the idea of them in the living room. Which is actually mostly empty.
My husband asked- this morning- if Trump will have a Presidential Library. When I stopped laughing I asked what sort of stuff would he add to his "library".....husband mentioned a box of Sharpies. What I imagined was a bathroom. With a gold toilet. His "library".
My guess is he will fundraise for a library that will never be built ... the money will line his pockets