Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Daily Notes- Sticky Eyes- House must be very dry.

 A few modifications.  My favorite thing is the white star under the house roof far left. Accidental. But my eyes are drawn to it.  Which doesn't say much for my design abilities. Drawing the eye to the far left.

I am eager to make another.  I haven't been eager to make cloth in quite awhile.

I finished reading Jane in Love.  Thru tears.  Even sobbing quietly toward the end. I might have just been tired. I may have been over wrought.  I don't know.  It's been quite a few years since reading words on a page has made that sort of emotional response.  Now...I guess I will be reading the entire list of Jane Austin.  Just remembering the pages...I am weeping again.  My new book is The House in the Cerulean Sea.  I think it is magical fantasy of some sort (book jacket).  The book cover also says it's an enchanting love story.

I could just be overwhelmed (tears) by everything happening right now.  517 new cases of COVID here in Maine just yesterday. Young people on respirators. Children. We were all looking the other way (old people)........ for far too long.

Yesterday's mail brought our bank statement.  And in reading the list of additions to our bank account- Social Security payments etc- there were the Stimulus amounts.  $1400 for each of us as a direct deposit. Well, that was a surprise.  Of course the first words out of husband's mouth were- let's go buy something.  The amount of the two checks won't even cover our property tax bill. I'd need four checks. My first words were- how did they get our bank account number?????  My guess is Social Security.

And today is Washing Machine Day.  The Laundry basket is overflowing.  We must both be out of underwear and husband changes ALL his clothing after each gardening experience.  So- lots and lots of layers. I am looking at the basket with anxiety.  But I have a new notebook with strange writing prompts so the writing will be varied and peculiar while the clothing gets washed.  My new reading book seems peculiar, also.  Perhaps my Cloth House will also be peculiar on this Wednesday.  Interesting.

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