Friday, April 23, 2021

Daily Notes- Is it really Friday Already???

 You haven't seen the Avocado in quite a while.  Twenty something inches tall- I don't want to get up and find the ruler to measure.  And a new set of four infant leaves just coming out.  I have a new, larger pot for the Avocado and will be doing that transfer later today.  The dots are from a sparkly ball- the kind they used to have at dances- ballroom sort of thing.  Makes the kitchen area and the peaked ceiling a dot covered experience.  Brings Joy.  We need that sort of thing. I do...need that sort of thing. Joy.

Husband is in the workshop making a wooden planter box for the Fig.  It's pot-bound.  Meaning the roots have no where to grow.  So- larger pot.  I was going to compost the Fig.  Be done with it as it hardly makes any Figs.  But husband says the Fig means a lot to him.  So...making a new pot.  It may be too late.  The baby leaves it had inside the house have dried up and died. No matter how much I water- no new leaves are appearing.  We'll see.

The Peach Trees are massively full of BUDS.  Abundantly.  No flowers have opened as yet.  The Peonies are up about an inch or two.  June.  The Pickle Jars will be full of Peonies in June. (and ants).

My friend with the rhubarb says hers is not ready yet.  She also cut her grapes back hard and nothing happening. We are both Master Gardeners.  Said the same thing- if the grape plants live- fine- if not fine. Mine also show no signs of life other than water seeping from the stems. 

Three of the four pickle jars have been returned.  I wrote a note- saying if they return the jar I will fill it. Giving them a way out if they didn't want any yard flowers.  I have tons of daffodils.  I could give them a second jar of them- what do you think?  Or would they expect something new and different???  It will be awhile yet before the French lilac opens.  Which will be amazingly beautiful.  Deep deep blue. Fragrant.

I had thought the forsythia  But it is straggly.  Having a hard time of it. And the Rhodies are in bud but not in flower yet.  I can't grow tulips.  I would have to sink the bulbs 12 inches deep to save them from winter frost death.  Only in pots.  And they would need to Winter in the porch fridge which is full. Of soft drinks.

I finally, finally have a porch fridge with soft drinks and beer.  Like all my Southern friends.

The Sun is shining- it's not really warm but I think a trip to DQ is on my list of things to do today. I carried water to the garden- three trips and 6 watering cans full- my walking exercise for the day..  My seedlings are still looking good.  The rhubarb is up another inch.

I made a cloth last night.  It needs some ironing.  I also read two chapters of Longbourn- until my eyes felt too dry to continue.  I added drops and rested for a while.  I wanted to return to the book but I knew my eyes were too tired-too dry.  I am looking forward to getting back into it.  Working below stairs was very very hard but the poor house and starving to death was worse.

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