Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Daily Notes- Fewer People Reading this Blog

I've screwed up the pagination yet again. But I'm okay with starting from the middle and going that way until I find out how to fix it- yet again..... It's been a strange last 24 hours.  I looked into my blog stats and each day fewer and fewer people come here to read, so...I am feeling sort of like a failure at blog writing.

Life goes on. The Life I am living now- is my Actual Life.
You won't magically out grow your self.
Every habit (good or bad), every evasion, procrastination, mistake, word-
all of it counts.
This is written on my calendar.  I don't know who wrote it.  But it's true.
You can't run away. It will always just be you.

It is supposed to rain today.  Husband and I are are sort of looking forward to a rain day.  I won't have to hand carry full watering cans down to the fenced garden- watering my seed beds- as a germinating seed that goes dry- is a dead seed.  And if they want to grow- I want to help.

We have a male Cardinal and two females here.  First time in a very long time. They seem to be staying. And that's lovely.  Husband's Uncle Rip had Cardinals in his yard in Ohio.  They returned every year to his place and the male would stand on Rip's open palm.  I saw that with my own eyes.

His Uncle Art had a black Lab- when we visited our baby daughter was about 8 months old and she reached up to touch the Dog's shiny black eye. The dog was stoic. Never moved.  Later in Life we had Riley and if a child had touched his shiny black eye he would have been just as silent and still. 

So..today I am reminded of Two Uncles. And Two Black Labs.

One of the Cara Cara oranges in the bag I bought was rotten and moldy.  The others are fine.
The New Improved Dawn dish soap- is actually that.  Improved. Imagine that.


  1. I read your blog every day via Feedly. I don’t know if that shows in your stats. When I make a comment I come directly here.

  2. I read your blog every day too. Just don't comment much on any of the blogs I follow. :)

  3. I am in France and read your blog. Like it even if don’t comment.

  4. Thank you for the comments- made me very happy today. You READ here every day- that is more than enough.
    thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

  5. I really enjoy your blog, I find it refreshing to read

  6. I also read your blog daily. Please don't think of stopping!

  7. Me too. I read almost every day.

  8. I read your blog every day. Sometimes it may look like I'm skipping due to our poor internet but I always catch up the next day. It's nice to know there's someone out there who feels so much the same about things as I do.

    Don't quit.
