Friday, April 16, 2021

Daily Notes- Expected Snow is Rain right now. Good News for the plants. 571 COVID cases yesterday.

 King Arthur sent me this photo of Rhubarb Pie.  My rhubarb plants are only up a few centimeters- so no pie this month.  But I have seen some pale stalks at the grocery.  Husband and I love Rhubarb Pie. I do a crumble topping not piecrust stars.  And I never add strawberries.

I read another third of my Cerulean Sea book.  Then my eyes got tired and then I watched the Tale of Two Sisters on PBS.  Mary and Anne Boleyn.  I have always liked Mary best.  I was most interested in the many etchings of Henry.  Fat, thin, even fatter, then even fatter.  And the years that actually went past as he waited to marry.  Elizabeth was really lucky to have been born.  And interesting that no family records of the birth of either girl in the Boleyn family archives. Yes, they were born but no dates.  And they have paintings but no one knows which sister is in which painting. 

As to husband's hearing aids.  He's listening to music on them.  He thinks of the very expensive items as entertainment.  He listens to music, the tv etc on them.  I was talking to him, while he was wearing them, and he didn't notice.  So there you have it.

He did hear me ask if he wanted Dairy Queen.  

Selective Hearing.

I have scribbled a recipe for a bread mixture that can be made into baguettes.  I scribbled it all over  the right edge of my desk top calendar, I won't be baking it as you need a baguette pan.  I haven't been to the Cookware Shop in a long long time.  I haven't gotten any new cookware.  I am sure they sell the baguette pan.  It'll make April's page even more interesting, I guess.

A delightful email from Deborah in Texas with some very very nice quilt work.  She and I often read the same books.  We exchange book lists.  She used to live in Maine and we attended quilt lectures.  She got me started writing this blog.  She was happy to see the DQ photo and remembered standing right where I did when taking the photo.  That made me very happy.  The internet is a wonderful thing.

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