Sunday, April 11, 2021

Daily Notes- Cooler this morning and clouds. No Sun.

 Soup.  That's what this image says to me.  Soup.  I think I have been wanting soup for weeks now. I know my husband would welcome soup.  It's been a long time since we had soup.  Or seems that way.

Son sent a text.  He is well.  He has no chance right now for the vaccine.  Not like here in Maine. California is too many.  Too many wanting, needing.  Not enough vaccine.  Or- he is not looking. It's one or the other.  But the chance to get out must be strong.  So should the search for vaccine. I think.

Yesterday- again no reading.  I watched Hallmark- a mystery series.  It took up "space".  It was all I needed.  Space being taken.  I didn't want to read.  I didn't want to think.  I didn't want news. I watered my seeds and that was enough.  A Time Out.  

Today.  Soup.  Unless we get Chinese Take Out.  Which for husband is Soup.  Good Enough. Well, dumplings also.  Better than Good Enough.

Yesterday- Sunshine all Day.  Today.  Darkness and Clouds.  Gray.  Which is okay.  The Earth can rest. There is no Rain.  No water from the Sky.  Drought.  Never ending.  But Clouds.  Okay.  Resting.

I may bake a pan of brownies and add chopped pieces of the "too soft- too sweet" milk chocolate caramels to the batter. That sounds like a good thing to do with them.  If I had bananas- might be some in the freezer- I would bake banana bread.  Either one.  Okay.  I'll tell you what happened today- tomorrow.

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