Monday, April 26, 2021

Daily Notes- April 26th- Sunny but a chill in the Air

 Chopsticks being repurposed into cutting boards.  

We ordered Chinese takeout yesterday.  Huge amount of leftovers which was what I had planned.  And I got a large white rice for myself.  But, again, the supermarket had NO frozen peas.  And canned So I got some sort of yuppie steamed peas package.  We'll see.  I might, indeed, be a yuppie.

Added excitement around 6:30 pm- the power went out.  Husband had been napping and didn't even wake up. I went outside to see what was going on.. my neighbors were out- looking around.  The Power Truck arrived and looked around.  Then went to the power pole on the road to town and flipped the switch back into an upright position.  My neighbor yelled- your lights are on.  And then she raced home to watch the Oscars...having streamed all the movies.   You'd think after it being that one switch EVERY TIME that they would do something about it. Nope.  My daughter had gotten an alert on her iPhone- 11 homes on my street without power.

After that....I continued reading Longbourne.  I am not quite finished.  Another day.  I may watched Pride and Prejudice (movie) that I have in the TiVo file after I am done reading. I have never had much sympathy for the father and mother.  Less so after reading Longbourne. I am waiting for Little Women- just prior to the COVID shutdown- to be on cable.  Somewhere.  And I will record it.  Was a lovely movie.

My Desktop Computer is getting "sticky".  Not easily coaxed into doing my bidding. But once I get "in" everything works just fine.  Deleting things is getting harder.  I like to delete emails etc.  Keep things clean and simple. And then empty the trash.

Had a chat with the TruGreen guy.  While he was fertilizing.  And I was hauling water to the fenced garden (seedlings doing well) and he was walking past.  We spoke of Voles.  He also is seeing much damage in other lawns.  We are not alone.  He says once they have eaten all the worms- they will move on.  I have hardly ever seen worms.  I think the soil isn't interesting to worms.  Little organic matter. And even in my well balanced fenced garden....not many worms, if any. Perhaps they have been here longer than I thought- the Voles.

The TruGreen guy also noticed that I have a great abundance of daffodils- more than he sees in any other yard.  I mentioned digging them up and transplanting every few years.  So the bulbs are NOT smack up next to each other. I planted white ones in the front bed next to the porch- colder on the north side of the house so those are slow to come up...but they are showing green.  So, they made it. I thought we had gotten all the bulbs out of the vegetable garden- no...quite a few are in bloom there as well.  Perhaps my husband only thinned them out.

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