It's dark in the house with clouds and rain coming in an hour or two. House Lights are on..
I was up early. So, no real excuse for posting so late. Each day---later. This morning long chat with daughter regarding flags all around the property next door behind her house. Survey flags. And an official letter. She doesn't like getting official letters. She doesn't like people near the back of her property.
So- brisk start to the day. Then a shower. Then stripping bed for new sheets (and washing machine pages later). Breakfast. I was starving!!!! The newspaper and work on the unfinished Suduko puzzles piling up.... then looking for seeds. Tomato seeds.
Husband has a hearing aid appointment this afternoon and he will be asked to drop off the seeds on his way into Town. He will forget. I may then drive myself into Town to Library and drop off seeds myself. No in person visiting. I have two books to return to library and one to pick up. But library is closed already for the day. Tomorrow sounds like a better plan.
The days just "get away from me". It's the COVID thing.
Neighborhood conversations- who has had vaccine and who is waiting. We are all mostly older. The 50 somethings have gotten vaccines in Massachusetts. Business gained access for employees. My daughter qualifies April 1st. The newspaper this morning with guidelines for those of us vaccinated. Stay home. Wear mask. Sanitize hands. Limit in person activities to outdoors. Six feet apart. Same rules apply. Maine has been for a year and remains in the safest color code on the United States map- yellow. But still.....200 new cases a day this month.
So- stay safe.
Fifty somethings are not getting the shot in Mass unless they’re teachers, etc or with two comorbidities. But starting Monday, 60 and up eligible. Yeah!.