Friday, March 05, 2021

Daily Notes- Friday already!!!!

 Here is the Work Desk.  Actually the ottoman next to my chair.   I took this patchwork piece off the wall and will be appliquéing it to the bleached black fabric.  I prefer appliqué.   Like the way it looks.  Even though, technically, I am doing patchwork.  The added benefit - a very flat surface when finished and I can  cut the fabric away from the back.  Don't need to cut strips etc.

I may continue to fine tune the placement. You can see some of the older- possibly 20 years ago- bits of black/white cloth in the pieced work- I ran out and this was the last of that precious cloth. Some under the button and along the bottom edge.  

Another cloth that got bleach is that lovely lavender purple.  Brown cloth that bleached lavender and also soft beige.  You can  see it along the right edge also.  I may not dye cloth but I do discharge.  I may change my mind and look for another cloth to appliqué this patchwork to.  I know that is an incomplete sentence.  I am pretty certain that have little to none of the brown lavender left.  But perhaps another cloth that I can take apart???? Recycle. Noticing a sliver of pale green. Left edge.  Perhaps that instead of the black white.

Nothing here is ever actually finished.  I recycle the parts and patches. Just as I recycle myself.

I am reading A Trick of Light.  Beauvoir has begun his decent into drug addiction with pain pills and a love for someone he is not brave enough- yet- to do anything about.  I have read all the books.  So, I am not as worried about him as I was the first time.  This story also has content on AA meetings.  I had forgotten dad suffered from a drinking addiction and finally accepted AA late in life. He always had his coin in his pocket.

Yesterday's pizza was delicious.  Long phone call with daughter.  A good day.

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