Sunday, February 14, 2021

Daily Valentine- February 14th

 The Valentine on my desk top calendar plus a bit of the rooster from last Sunday.  Not much of a holiday here at home.  Which is fine.  Husband gave me a post it note that said "Happy Valentines Day".

I baked yesterday.  I made my daughter a Boosey Bundt Cake.  Spiced Captain Morgan with boxed spice cake and instant pudding.  Like the chocolate one I made myself for Christmas with Kahlua. Just licking the spoon was sort of impressive.  She did not come and get the cake as she had another revolting day at work.  She really needs to find somewhere else to work for the Winter Months or put out a contract on the employee who is making her so angry.  He messed up some Valentine candy packages (mail)....... a repeat of Christmas. 

Brings back memories of floral orders for container gardens for moms and old aunts on Mother's Day when I worked at the greenhouse. They always got my very best work. Mostly sons or nephews ordering.  And I looked forward to their long distance calls every year and the men were always shocked that I remembered what they sent the previous year--- I kept a notebook. Customer Service was my thing. Daughter's too it seems.

An early phone call.  A friend from work lost her mom yesterday...quite suddenly.  We think Mom fell or died and then fell.  Work people are trying to make sure our friend and coworker has our support and anything she needs. Her Mom is in my thoughts- I always enjoyed talking to her when she came to the classes I taught and a few times at the grocery store. I painted an old tin Sun for her.  Work became another family.

We might order Chinese today.  Or I might actually cook something. No. That seems unlikely.

The verdict of the Trial in the Senate was not unexpected but still disappointing. I thought the House members did an exceptional job.  I am very proud of them. And ashamed of Mitch--as usual.

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