Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Daily Tinkering- February 17th

 Looking for something in one of the bookcases and discovered this greeting card purchased at Trader Joe's when we still could go there.  I never could part with it.  So, never sent it to someone.

We have ABSOLUTELY BLINDING sunlight.  Reflecting off the snow.  You can go quite blind looking out the windows.  All the bad weather is in places it has never gone before.  I keep thinking about broken or frozen water lines- not being able to flush the toilet.  Our water lines are deep.

I made phone calls to the ridiculous COVID shot line (again) and they answered (computerized person) so I registered myself and husband. No appointment.  Just registered.  It's really hopeless.  But it felt like I had "done something" and husband is really happy.  Usually calling the number results in a recording that the number has been disconnected.  Daughter suggested we drive to the local mass vaccination site an hour before closing in case they have extra vaccine. And just after saying this she said...NO that's a terrible idea.

I am considering planting a seed of kindness and believing that we'll get a call back.  Someday.

We both need new underwear.  My friend says as soon as she has her second shot she is going to go into a store and buy underwear.  There is going to be a massive run on underwear. Daughter is reading this--yes, you can go buy us underwear- I will make a list.

Yesterday I came to the same conclusion.  Not finishing the book.  I'm going to read something that makes me laugh.

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