Sunday, February 07, 2021

Daily Puzzling- February 7th

 My floors.  Hall moving right into dining room kitchen.  That's a early relative of Pergo flooring in the dining room kitchen.  Actually a thin slice of cherry wood (real) and then a sticky adhesive layer- now getting a bit ancient. I love the color and it's wood-i-ness. The black is Italian. A ceramic slate.

There is something about the floors and the Pure White walls.  I want- really want-- to buy flat black chalk paint and paint one wall with it- in the kitchen dining area.  And write and draw on it.  It will happen.  It will.

I have other photos but forgot to send them to email.  It's just that kind of day.  Chilly.  Darkish.  No Sun. My cross the street neighbor already got an Amazon delivery via post office this dark Sunday morning.  And I walked across and up her drive with her New York Times.  She has fallen and hurt her hip.  Not broken just painful.

As I was searching for something interesting to photograph for you- I notice a quilting pattern.  How it got where it is- well, Life is a Mystery isn't it?  But it's the pattern I used to make my chicken quilt.  Heads of chickens in all sorts of wild colors and fabrics- but only chickens.  The pattern has chickens around the borders and baskets in the middle section.  I didn't make the baskets.  The Chicken Head Quilt is my favorite from that time period.  Hand appliquéd.  Instructions were for machine appliqué. I made the chickens while I stayed with my father so he could leave assisted living and be back in his house.  He ran his fingers over every chicken as I made them.  I've spoken of this before- I knowingly am repeating myself--- quilts are often more than just design and technique.  Or great fabrics.  Sometimes they are memories.

That's what I wanted to communicate.  I think it also works for those who receive a quilt.  We send them memories and then they make their own while looking, touching and using the quilts. So, let's keep making shall we?

Football later today and Pizza.  So that is sorted out.  Prior to those activities what shall I do? I could bake a dessert item. I could.  I could read another book.  I could...........draw something.  My Saturday calendar block is empty still and now I have Sunday to draw as well.  Two and possibly three squares already have snow......which is sort of cheating.  I'll let you know what happens.


  1. Joanne, Cara oranges have finally made their way to our little rural Ontario grocery store. They are delicious - so glad you drew my awareness to them. Betty

  2. The best stories, especially memories, should be repeated.

  3. I have never read about the chicken quilt and your father. Good memories need repeating. I made a great quilt, Spooky Stories, and it was in a couple of exhibitions, one at a museum. Once it came back home, I gave it to my Dad. It was fully functional and I wanted him to use it but he kept it folded and draped across a chair in his bedroom "so he could see it". After he passed, my sibs sent it back. I use it every day, but I think I'll be passing it on to someone else now that he's not afraid of much spooky stuff anymore.
