Sunday, February 28, 2021

Daily Notes- February 28th

 I am reading the Louise Penny Gamache series again.  French Canadian. So, every meal or sandwich arrives on a baguette.  So.......I am really wanting a good baguette.  And these detectives spend considerable time eating.  I am not so fond of Brie or some of the other things they eat.

I am also loving the German Shepherd Henri and his glow in the dark tennis balls and Chuck it. He and Gamache walk the streets of Quebec City in the early hours- Gamache is having trouble sleeping ...... 

My arm is a bit sore- no other problems.  I slept well.  

It rained all day yesterday but we still have snow.  And it's still dark. But during the night the MOON makes everything very very bright.  Even with the blinds closed the bedroom glowed with Moon Light.

Five Wild Turkeys were here this morning.  Walking slowly across the back lawn and into the neighbor's woods.  They are becoming frequent visitors.  Riley's scent must be gone. He would have been barking wildly wanting to go out and run toward them.  Not to bother them.  Just to play with them. My neighbor asked if I thought of him- I replied- every hour of every day.

I have some cloth here on the ottoman near my chair.  Where I read and watch television. Where Riley slept by my feet or against them.  I was thinking of sewing a strip to a rectangle. Just that.  Nothing more. but the color of the cloth doesn't seem right.  Too new. And I not sufficiently interested in going around searching for something older. If it was already here- I would sew.  But it isn't......

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