Friday, February 19, 2021

Daily Daily- February 19th

 I snapped three photos this morning- actually it's afternoon- Daily Life.  I might start writing that at the top.  There was some mistaken knob turning- on the toaster oven and my toast got a bit (way) too toasted. Butter and Strawberry Rhubarb Jam.  I do seem to love strawberry rhubarb.  Sweet and Tart. Like me.

I finished the Penny book and am now considering which book on the pile I will read next.  Another Penny?  Yes, that will most likely be my first choice.  I do have a liking for Inspector Gamache. But there is another book- new to me- that is calling out to me.  I'll let you know what happens.

I watched a U-Tube video of a woman painting the upholstery on a chair with chalk paint. I had been watching Jude Hill do something with cloth and when that finished the chair painting video started up.  Australian I think.  The one woman was wearing a dress but hadn't a clue how one was supposed to wear a dress. At one point she had her leg up, almost on the chair which was set on a low table reminding me of the carpenters I had working on my house.  But it was interesting.  Chalk paint on fabric.  You all know I love painting on fabric.  The instructor also mentioned sanding the cloth once it was dry.  Even more to my liking.  Distressed Painted Fabric. She also said waxing the fabric gave it a leather look.

Now to buy chalk paint. Someday.  Perhaps there is some in the Magic Attic???

My major task today is making index cards for daughter to take to stores when buying us new underwear. Sizes.  Fabrics.  Styles.  Brands. It goes without saying that nothing we own (and love) is still being made. And, if by chance, it is still being made- it won't be made of cotton.  It will be made of spun plastic.

Ted Cruz-  He flew to Mexico "for the kids".  That's why he stayed at the Ritz Carlton.  For the kids. But his wife had complained to friends on the internet that her house was "cold" and........ boom they are on a plane.  I love that commercial "Boom Shaka Laka"-----Sprinkles!!!!!!

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