Sunday, January 03, 2021

Daily Notes- January 3rd

 My workspace which is also an ottoman.  Used to be used as an ottoman and now just holds a massive amount of sewing stuff.  Every few days I gather up about a third of the piles and carry it off to the sewing room where I put it "away" and then.....while "putting away" I start collecting new things to bring back with me.  Oh....why?

In the end days and weeks with Riley--I was productive.  He liked to sniff the cloth I was working on and didn't like to re-sniff cloth he had already sniffed.  So, I had to keep working on new projects.  A whole wall of projects that I look at everyday as they are pinned to the wall I face at the dining table.  I was very productive.  I made excellent choices but I had the approval and disapproval of my best friend every step of the way.  On my own now- it's not as easy.  I make so many bad choices- I spend more time taking apart than I do putting together.  I disappoint myself frequently.  That blue square seemed like a good idea.  It isn't.  Not balanced. Not interesting.  It's about to be taken apart.  Which is fine.  The parts are all okay by themselves- it's just that the together doesn't work.

That's where I am just now.  The sewing together doesn't work.

I had to come to the rescue yesterday.  Husband had hoped to use the new snowblower to clear the driveway but warmish weather was quickly turning the snow to slush clogging the snowblower.  And I did not want a repeat of that years ago heart attack while shoveling.  So I ran out without a coat and told him it was time for lunch and I would tackle the driveway slush.  He agreed.  I used  my scoop and dump  method which involves no lifting.

We had freshly baked pumpkin pie for supper.  Husband  said it was the best one ever.  We do have lunch between five and six o'clock so technically- the pie isn't actually our supper. But I like thinking it is.

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