Monday, January 25, 2021

Daily Mending- January 25th


Ah, Blogger.  Let me count the ways you insist on making my life more difficult.  They moved the image icon yet again.  And tricked me into opening an icon that was "trouble". One that refused to close.

Never mind- the oranges made it into the post. Eventually.

The oranges.  A story to be told.  These are Cara Cara.  At the store they were in a perfectly wonderful pyramid shaped arrangement.  But I like to look around and pick out my oranges.  So I took the stack apart until I had seven in the bag. Restored the pile.  And then walked off to my cart and new things to buy.... noticing too late- far too late-- the obsessive orange stacking employee. Seething.  Racing over to restore order to the Cara Cara oranges.  The pyramid.

I moved off quickly to the bagel table and then the Deli.  The Pirate waited on me.  Earrings in his ears. He is the sort of dangerous type who flirts with even old women in huge black wool winter coats.  I usually get the 80 year old man.  Hard of hearing.  So, the Pirate was a lovely change. 

I also took time to notice that the liquor aisle was really depleted and then that the ice cream replenishing guy had a huge cart of ice cream to put in the freezer cases.  I said you must have to fill the case everyday.  He thought about it and then said- just about.  So Brunswick Maine.  Ice cream and/or liquor shopping capital.  My daughter would suggest mixing the two together.

I am reading book one by Abbi Waxman.  Other People's Houses.  Garden of Small Beginnings is her second I think.  She finds her way in the Garden.  But here in this book- not so much.  I am 57 pages in and confused.  Having to go back to figure out who belongs to whom.  I hope it gets better.  At the end of the Christmas book with three short stories- one by the author of Love Lettering.  A book I loved.  But her short story was terrible.  I gave up before making it to page four.  And I hardly ever give up on a book. 

So...I am diving back into the hot suburban mess that is Other People's Houses and perhaps I will place the assorted carpool children in the proper family eventually.  The spouses all seem distant and bored- all we are missing here is two men interested in each other......but that might be the next surprise in one of the houses.  One spouse always has his laptop open and closes it when a child or wife gets close.  Sigh. 

One thing that stays constant- with this author-- the never ending emptying and filling of the dishwashers in all three of her books.

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