Thursday, January 14, 2021

Daily Mending- January 14th

 Well, Happy Readers- things are going South quickly with my old computer.  I lost the agent that ran my little weather app and another app that I looked at once in awhile- phases of the Moon on the desktop.  Adobe something or other that had/has -the noticed explained- "outlived it's live expectancy".

So many things......outliving their Life expectancy.  My sweaters.  My pants.  My socks. I live in fear my little pot that heats water for my tea and coffee will suddenly not display that lovely but strange blue light inside itself that tells me- the water is getting hot.  How will I blog?  How will I order books? will I just scream all day????? 

Your picture for the day is the rather mixed messages stack of cloth on my chair.  Shouldn't look good together but they do.  For some reason I do not have hand dyed blues.  So commercial cloth has to stand in.  Not that any cloth making is going on right now- this week.  Book Reading is Going On.  Today is Lauren's Twice in a Blue Moon.

Yesterday was double Washing Machines Pages.  Two loads.  There was some "new" squeaking noises. I hit the "pause" button by accident and spent 30 or 40 minutes in acute anxiety that the machine would overflow water all over the floor.  Like it has many times BEFORE.  It didn't.  OMG.  Longest 30 minutes.

Husband is suggesting I cook something. But something he likes- not something I like.  Um... Chinese Take Out sounds more likely. Or I could fry him a package of frozen Chinese dumplings from Trader Joes. He actually "thinks" that is cooking so I might just go that route.

Husband has a doctor's appointment today- a follow up of the severe back/leg pain visit.  My presence is requested.  All the pain is gone.  Seems the rather rough application of the "stick with rolling balls" did the trick. Even if there was screaming on his part.  After the screaming almost anything seems better. I offer my services to the President.

Husband has also offered me a page in one of his coloring books- to color.  He found a double page of snakes for me.  I tend to use a black sharpie and do designs in the coloring spaces.  Zentangles type designs. But not by their rules.  I really hate rules when it comes to pens and colors. I don't like snakes.

Three paragraphs that begin with the word Husband.  I need to get out of the house. See People.


  1. giggle...I know it's probably not funny but from my vantage point..well

    Here is a conversation between my granddaughter and her daughter, so you can giggle too.

    I made it to the bathroom ALONE without Emma realizing. She figures it out.
    E: mooooom. What are you doing?
    M: I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be out in a minute.
    E: can I go wiff you?
    M: no, I’ll be out in a minute. Go watch your movie.
    E: but I want to go Wiff you.
    M: go watch your movie and I’ll be out in a minute.
    E: no. I want to go to my room and cry about it.
    ������‍♀️ #emmaslogic

  2. You offering your assistance to the President cracked me up :-)
