Sunday, December 06, 2020

Daily Notes- December 6th

 This  prompt from the jar of words.  And just happen to find this old cloth.  Something I worked very hard stitching- and then realized it wasn't good.  So, I cut it up.  Used pieces to make other things.  But this particular piece is very pretty.  Like a dream I had- for what the cloth would be.  Something to consider. Always a new way to go even if the initial plan doesn't work out.

In between applications of CBD cream yesterday- I carried items up into the Magic Attic (storage area) that had been sitting around since March (when life as we knew it came to a screaming halt)  Class Notes for the two classes I was teaching in March.  Cancelled.  The rolls of fabric I used to cover my friend's chair seats.  Other bits and boxes that were piling up on the stairs to the Attics.  I moved a piece of furniture to the other side of the doorway to the living room.  In anticipation of a Tree that might never be set up here in the living room.

It rained yesterday.  The wind blew.  It snowed.  There was sleet.  The lights flickered. This morning the sun and the snow are blinding.  Hurts the eyes.  The plows came after I had gone to bed- after midnight. Here in Maine they wait for the snow to stop- then they plow.  That can be dangerous for travelers in cars. Unplowed roads.  Wind driven snow. But perhaps more dangerous if adding a big plow to the mix.

Husband was up early, had breakfast and off to drive daughter to work (complaining about pain- mostly that he still had the pain- he wants it gone- gosh don't we all by now?). Three of us sharing one car. Daughter texted me late last night.  Co-worker and husband packed 119 boxes of candy yesterday evening.  Today daughter has to type shipping labels for all 119.  And then pack any additional orders. A busy day.

Husband doesn't want to watch football.  I forgot to thaw a ball of pizza dough.  We could have Nachos again.  Yesterday he had soup and I had pancakes.  I haven't had pancakes in ages- they were quite nice.   I wouldn't mind Chinese Takeout.  He'll be okay with that. Hot and Sour Soup.  Daughter will text when he needs to go pick her up at work.  Quiet Day.  Might do a load of wash. Start a new week with an empty laundry basket.  And Dream about the basket not filling up immediately.  Ha!!


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