Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Daily Notes- December 29th

 This scrap of cloth--removed from a larger work that failed miserably- has found a new home on the orange or yellow square all by itself.  I can't quite recall from where.  Not that any of them stayed put- except for red. Which is entirely red.  The other squares eventually- as cloth was added- moved into other colors.  This one with it's red center.  It stays. On the orange cloth.

I am empowering myself to break the  Chakra Rules.  Water flows where water wants to flow.

I selected blues for the next square.  Staying away from the blue I like most- indigo (imagination) for the next square.  Communication, expression, truth -blue.  Ah. True Blue.  The places where I have the most TROUBLE in my life.  Expressing opinions.  Saying too much.  Which is one reason I leave few comments on the blogs I read.  Mis- communicating.  My Achilles Heel.  Here?  Just my Daily Notes. A safe haven.  Don't like it- don't visit. Not a popularity contest. 

Watched football yesterday.  Less to see who wins anymore.  More to see how the game has changed with COVID. How players who, in the other seasons, rarely saw playing time.  How things are morphing.  The Teams who are more "outside the box" are doing so much better, perhaps even for the first time in a long time.  Teams who do the same thing no matter what- Patriots- are failing.  Patriots need a new coach.

Daughter's car is ready for pick up.  There are many things I could say about this but I won't.  One can't know everything unless they walk in the other person's shoes, right?

There are people who also think they know what is right for me.  Not always right. Not always possible.

Communication.  Empower yourself to listen.  Too few of us listen. Too busy talking.

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