Thursday, December 10, 2020

Daily Notes- December 10th

 Express Yourself!!!

Totally Busy Day....  Haircut.  Library Pickup and chat with one of my librarian friends and her new Black Lab- she gets them from the Seeing Eye Dog People.  This particular dog got ear infections and was not a good candidate but fully trained. A real Beauty.  Dog is having the run of the library since no one is allowed in.  These dogs aren't free.  The new adoptive owner pays back the training costs which are significant and the wait is four years. At least that is what I remember of the process.  Library had a fashion magazine on the free rack.  thus- the shoes.

We also stopped by the Auto Body Shop to drop off a check for work on daughter's car..  Rear bumper was off so I got to see the rust and the deteriorated parts behind the bumper. Lying Bastards At Honda. At least the ones in South Portland, Maine.  Anyway.   Haircut. Library. Auto Body.

Daughter and her friend from landscaping work. They are coming tomorrow at noon to measure, cut and install my Christmas Tree in the living room.  They are going to Trader Joes early that morning. He missed out on the frozen and canned food section on his first visit.  I am expressing my thankfulness.

I didn't get to eat breakfast before we left- so now eating my oatmeal which has gotten cold.  I am remembering I like it that way.

I also shoveled more of the driveway and sanded the front steps.  Very icy. All before oatmeal. so I am going to finish reading the newspaper.

Heads up.  Right after Thanksgiving Day my haircutter's neighbor came down with  COVID and died three days later. Which was why her daughter cut my hair today. Three days.  This is somehow different and way more dangerous.  Please be careful.  Wear a face covering.  

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