Sunday, November 08, 2020

Daily Notes- November 8th

The Desktop Calendar.  I keep the  pages as they fill up and each month ends. It's a sort of diary of what has gone on in 30 days.  Usually there is a book list but now that I have my Library Books notebook over to the left on top of the printer- I record books pretty faithfully.  The library no longer keeps records of what I read.   Something about the Federal Information Act.  Now against the law.

I need to visit Staples. For Washing Machine Pages Notebooks and Pens.  For a new desktop calendar. I was hoping to not have to purchase Turbo Tax.  I am hoping to find someone to do the taxes for me.  I am so damned tired of doing them.  Once they are done- I go on about why did I procrastinate....but I do it again the next year.  I could actually do the taxes in February.  Get past it.  I don't.  It's like some sort of Mental Incompetence. That I was BORN with.  I'm a "put-er-off-er"  Sigh.

I have a bowl of pizza dough in the oven- no heat-- proofing.  Football Pizza.  Not that the football is any good with teams swapping out good players who are sick with healthy players who have rarely to never played.  But it's better than staring at a blank wall.

Yesterday Evening and the President Elect.  Mostly I was smiling at the large families they have.  Biden carrying a baby. The Vice President Elect with her twin nieces.  Everyone socializing.  Not the stiff silent line of Trump adults sans children.  The street parties and celebrations. The masks.  SUCH JOY.

It was good.  I was happy.  No one had a long rifle.   

Trump doing what he does as President- Golf. I am reminded of how Trump got on FOX to berate Obama for playing golf on VACATION while Obama was President.  It is just so insane.


  1. In most areas, AARP volunteers do taxes for seniors, for free. I know in our area their spaces fill quickly so you need to make an appointment early. I don't know how it will work this year. I have been very impressed with their professionalism. Here the volunteers are all retired accountants.

  2. Dear Anonymous. Thanks for that information. I've gotten my ass in the wringer trying to do them myself and cannot pay the highway robbery rates of H&R (thanks for nothing) Block.
