Friday, November 27, 2020

Daily Notes- November 27th- The Day After

Already thinking about the Advent Calendar.  This one looks enchanting.  Little brown paper wrapper packages tied up with string.  Some of my favorite things.

Day began.....daughter had taken her car to Honda for oil change and snow tires. Eight text messages.

 So.......basically after they checked the car over- it's toast as they say.  Frame needs replacing.  And with those words- I decided that when she drives back home (very carefully)- we'll find a way to get the snow tires off her car and on to mine and she will drive my car for the Winter.  I don't drive in the Winter.  Aside from the grocery store and library curbside pickup but only if there is NO SNOW on the road.  But I can force husband to drive me in his car. Four wheel drive.

Don't ask.  I refuse to drive his car (he can barely see over the steering wheel).  It's a button car.  No key.  And it's huge.  I used to drive the black Jeep he had years ago.  I liked that one- so, of course, he traded it.  I also liked the big Land Rover. If and when he stops driving- the Jeep is going to be traded for something else.  And, yes, I know all cars now are button cars.  So, incredibly, stupid. 

My husband's Jeep has already decided, on it's own button mindset, to lock him out, refuse to start, the engine has stopped on the highway at high speed, and all sorts of crazy behavior.  And there is nothing anyone can do. "it's the computer".  That's what Chrysler has to say about all of that.  The car is perfect.  The computer that the button controls- not perfect. When daughter gets a new car, I'll get my Honda back.

So...that rant is over with.  I am going to the library for curbside pickup.  I may go and buy some squash. Dinner yesterday was exhausting.  I am out of practice on such long haul cooking.  I had pans on every burner and was using both racks in the oven.  INTENSE.  We ate and then there was the "dish washing".

Husband's back is causing him much "pain" and "suffering".  I have suggested he cease "doing things" out in the workshop and yard until it feels better.  But he can't "hear my voice" so why bother?  Tomorrow is his birthday.  I think daughter has made him some sort of dessert.  We have two kinds of pie.  And cake from grocery store in fridge. I may stop in the grocery and buy ice cream.  

Yesterday- while he was sleeping on the couch with heating pad- I drank wine. Today it might be a tall gin and tonic.

My word for today- "accept" Pretty amazing how that happens- it's just a glass jar with words in it.  


  1. cooking sides for Thanksgiving was humbling this year ... fortunately, my daughter and son-in-law took care of the most critical elements (turkey, stuffing, cranberry, green bean casserole made from scratch, and adult beverages)
