Friday, November 20, 2020

Daily Notes- November 20th- Friday

Well, that is something to think about.  I tend to own too much and that becomes overwhelming.  When I was clearing the living room of furniture and everything else for the painting guy last winter- well, none of the boxes I packed and carried into the Attic- none have been opened or carried back down here. And I never replaced the three chairs. The two big chair and a half ones live with daughter in her very very small house.  She enjoys tight spaces.  The other chair is at the local candy store.  In the window.  Soon to have Santa sitting in it for the next 6 weeks.   The big Swedish or German cupboard is still disassembled.  Up there.  I do miss it.  But nothing that was inside.

The bookcases and cabinets beside the fireplace here in the living room- empty- except for the liquor boxes that I emptied into the lower cabinets with doors.

No carpets. No curtains. No pictures.  One couch with two tables and two lamps.  Where husband reads or naps. One table and one chair and one lamp where he colors in his books.

Over here where I type these words.  Carpet, two tables, two large ottoman, lamps, desk, printer, clutter. Life being lived in this one section of a very large room.  I think it felt warmer when it was full.  But that could just be imagination.

My red square is liking it's new border strips.  I am thinking it might be finished.  LizA made her squares into kitchen towels.  To be used and enjoyed.  I use feed sack towels here and old, old 40's flower printed cloth.  Which is developing wear thru holes.  A good project would be mending them with square patches. Perhaps red ones.  It is a very pleasant idea.

We are going out today to do curbside book pickup.  And I will run into the grocery store to get ricotta. Daughter requested lasagna.  And I am mixing up flour, yeast and water for another loaf of bread.  Reminding myself of March.  The beginning days of COVID.  Pantry Soup is also on my mind.  I have everything.  I can eat my soup with bread.  And I may cut open the last of the Kabocha hard squash and bake it.  Sprinkle it with the Japanese Seven Spice blend.  Today or Tomorrow or the next day. It really doesn't matter does it?  What day it is.

That might be the true takeaway of COVID.  It doesn't really matter what day it is.  As long as it's a day you stay at home, stay safe and do something you love. 

I might be buying brown paper lunch bags and a bag of play sand.  Make Luminaries to line the driveway or sidewalk.  On a day between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Or just on the front steps.  Just somewhere. To shine a little light.


  1. Oh, I hope you do those Luminaries. They are so warm-looking and hopeful. In my last house I lived on a hill (there may be a theme here) and on Christmas Eve the neighbors and I would line the street with Luminaries. It looked like an airport runway, it was beautiful. I would wake up throughout the night just to look out the window.

  2. I have a flock of quart mason jars that will look great at night with a fat white candle flickering inside.

  3. Yes, jars would be a good thing to put the candles inside. And I have lots and lots of jars.
