Friday, November 13, 2020

Daily Notes- November 13th

I stitched this yesterday.  Pieces from several friends.  None I have ever met in person.  The lower edge and left edge and under the red kite shape- LizA.  Upper right- DebL.  Middle left the cloth wish from Grace in California.  Center and under the red kite shape (also DebL)- a piece of my own black and white and left inside edge some of my home dyed beige.  I do a very good job making beige.  There will be more additions. things also might be unsewn and sewn back in different places or trimmed to narrower strips..  Or not.  Right now six or seven inches on longest side.  I have a Jude (Spirit Cloth) moon I want to add. 

As of now- I am looking and listening to what the cloth gathering has to say.  But I do want Liz A to tell me how she got Eucalyptus to print on her cloth.  I have tried and gotten nothing.

It is dismal and wet here in Maine.  Daughter came over and carried the Summer outdoor chairs up into the Attic.  She and her father decided to wait to bring down the three 48 inch wide wreaths for the front porch.  For Christmas. Daughter resents having to do heavy lifting.  Her brother would certainly resent it as well- all the way in California.  I was going to my secondary choice- the guy who does yard work across the street.  He'll do most anything for $75.  That's his all purpose flat rate.  I'd like to test the "anything" part of the deal but so far my daughter and husband have said "no".  Just chairs.  In the Attic.

Not like I had any other ideas.  

Husband and daughter made plans for G to build a feeding box for the smaller of her two cats.  The larger one has figured out a way to eat all the little cat's food.  So they have devised a puzzle box of sorts that will, hopefully, keep the big cat out- and puzzled-- while the little one can nibble her food.  Alone. It has taken the larger cat quite a while to figure out how to wiggle into the box daughter had-- that worked.  Until it didn't.  That's why she carried the chairs into the Attic.

So husband will be in his workshop rest of the day.  Law and Order, Book Reading, Sewing, or Hallmark. Or I could do a load of wash.  Perhaps if they paid me $75 to do the wash???? 

Be a hard sell.  


  1. Oh, this is great company to keep

    And I didn't print the eucalyptus ... it's silk from Tierney Barden ... I think the protein fibers help immensely

  2. In the spirit of transparency, there's nothing natural about my dye process except the cloth. Procion MX dyes all the way.

  3. I discussed that with my husband- he wondered why I don't try it. I said it's way too dangerous for a person with reactive asthma. and it's not hot enough here in Maine.

    The cloth has been renovated and is looking much different but needs a good press with a hot iron.
