Sunday, October 11, 2020

Daily Notes- Sunday October 11th

The side of the fridge.  I actually have a fridge that will accept magnets.  But only on the sides.  Not the front.  Notice the most prominent post it.  The guys who do stuff for me.  Bob- Trees.  Need to add him to the post it.  I must have sent my email about the rotting board on the back of the house to an old email address.  I will send same message via the email in husband's iPhone today.  Then I can add another name to the post it.  James.  (who sends me Ken and Keith to do the work).  I also have a card with all the paint used on the walls and trim inside and outside.  The guys love me.

The Men in my Life.  Do I have phone numbers for all of them- maybe but I remember their names..

Sunday.  Shower first thing.  Then two loads of wash.  One is drying and the second is waiting to go into the dryer.  I don't have any extra umpfh in the SPIN to get all the water out.  So drying takes more time than it used to in my Vintage Appliances.  But that's okay.  It's all okay.  They wash and eventually they dry.

Football today and not many games that I care about.  There are many teams I really can't stand to watch. So I am at loose ends.  I had toast with jam and butter and cold Peach Cobbler for breakfast.  Sugary. Way too much sugar.  So, I am trying to convince myself to make and eat tuna with onion/celery/mayo for lunch.  Or make soup.  58 degrees today with sunshine.  The rain forecast for today disappeared. We could have used some rain.

My Stardust book was set in the 1950's and the polio epidemic- talk about COVID panic!!!-- when faced with the iron lung machines.  And religion.  I'm okay with some but not too much.  This was pretty close to too much. For me. 

Next up is Girls of Summer- Nantucket and heavy on brand names and money.  Only because it is due  pretty soon. Will be sort of book whiplash.  1950's to 2020.

1 comment:

  1. I put everything through a second spin-out too, to cut drying time. Only tumble the towels and heavy things like jeans for ten minutes, then they go on the line outside. I still do that.

    Have you toasted a slice of pizza for breakfast yet? You'll be amazed.
