Saturday, September 26, 2020

Daily Notes- September 26th

My daughter brought me a table's worth of squash.  The Winter/storage squash.  I didn't get the acorn variety in the picture.  Daughter likes to eat squash.  But wants me to bake it and then bring it to her and she'll eat it.  Once upon a time I would have been happy about that.  Now.....well, it's just baking.  Not a recipe of any kind.  I mentioned that ones in the picture are rather dry in texture.  Her friend G said they were "meaty".  Wondering what G's pot roast is like?

I did three loads of wash this morning before breakfast.  One load in the dryer needs folding.  The bed got fresh sheets.  One of my shirts got left in the basket too long and it must have been damp- so got black and pink mold.  I just finished washing, scrubbing, bleaching, rinsing 12 times (exaggerating) and now it's hanging to drip dry.  Too wet for dryer. But the spots are not visible. Hope that means they are gone.

Husband just gave me a falling apart flannel shirt of his- said I might want to wear it. No.

Life is kind of standing still right now.  Not much going on.  Dark outside today.  A storm is on my Google weather map. Little red spinner off the coast of New Hampshire where it touches Maine.  Could be arriving with some much needed rain. Maine's apple crops are smaller.  Didn't get enough rain when they were growing.

Best part of the week just ended.....the crowd shouting Vote Him Out while the President and his Wife were standing there honoring Ruth Ginsberg.. The expression on his face- even with the mask- "priceless".

A big magenta flower is blooming down by the garden gate.  Husband is going to go out an clip it so I can look at it here in the house.  I used to know it's name.  We sold tons of them at the greenhouse.  They like water.  Even with all my neglect the garden flowers look very very nice.  Tall and colorful.  More flowers in 2021.  

COVID cases going up- just as the CDC predicted.  October will be a deadly month. 

Wear Your Mask.  Protect the people around you!

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