Thursday, September 24, 2020

Daily Notes- September 24th

So small in comparison.  The author of most of the books I asked about yesterday is Beth Harbison.  My daughter did a search and then I found her book list and matched plot to titles.  Two are still needing ID.  But it's not an emergency situation.

I got my haircut.  Just returned home.  But....allergies.  My nose is running.  Sneezing.  And my eyes are both dry, wet and/or itchy. And I need to change my shirt as it has tiny hair clippings all over it.  Also itchy. I always forget September- especially around the terrible for my allergies.  Lots of nose blowing and eye rubbing (which is very bad for the eyes)........ Next haircut is November.

Picked tomatoes yesterday and took a bag to my library friend.  She distributes them to the elders in her apartment community. Mostly the large pale yellow cherry tomatoes- Snow Whites. The tri-color artisan cherry mix is just this week deciding to get ripe. Not very tomato in flavor.  So, even thought their color and striped skin is very attractive- if it don't taste good- why bother??? And they are rather "crisp" in texture. Make a "pop" sound when chewed.

Reading Andrews 2020 book- Hello, Summer.  Book has nothing that I read Andrews for....... No romance.  There is Southern food.  A murder.  Too much newspaper/NBC/CNN news stuff.  Big story.  Politics. I don't think I will ever read this one a second time.  Lead isn't interesting enough and the guy- hardly have a clue about him as author didn't bother fleshing him out.  Giving him words.  I'm 4/5th through and if she ends up with guy- I actually am not invested.  Very disappointed.

Well, I have hit my maximum haircut itch quota and now need to change all my clothing.  Till tomorrow.

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