Monday, September 21, 2020

Daily Notes- September 21- Monday, Monday

Another view of the "couch".  I would have to buy one with the chaise part on husband's side.  Because. He would HAVE to have it that way.  So he could trip and almost fall each and every time he got up. BUT would it be possible for him to sit on the other side of the sofa.....????

I loved Deb's story of the white couch with jungle leaves and three male occupants of the house.

And you ALL have a forever invite to a perfectly dressed table and afternoon coffee.  And underwear is optional.  And Diet Coke can be decanted into a coffee cup .. Gin or Vodka, also.  The American Women's Club of the Taunus:  Some European women never wore underwear other than stockings and this was very interesting when wearing a wrap dress with no buttons or zipper.  We always served drinks before lunch at the monthly Luncheon- making conversations so much more interesting and informative. Each year from 1984 to 88 the wives became looser and more dangerous. Like sharks in the water. 

This morning we woke up to the chirping of the alarm for either fire or carbon dioxide.  Husband changed the battery and we went back to sleep.  We didn't check for fire or gas leaks.

Grocery store this morning:  a woman apologizing to everyone she passed for going the wrong way in the baking aisle.  I offered my opinion that if that was the worst thing you do worries.  Everyone else agreed. There were people in the store who were visibly "on edge" and that was different.  I steered my cart away from them.  I usually look forward to my one grocery shopping day. Today was good.

I cooked Saturday.  Made husband the pork and mushroom ragu he likes with assorted pasta shapes. On Friday we had baked beans and grilled cheese sandwiches.  It was what I wanted.  Sunday we had Chinese takeout.  Today we have assorted leftovers to choose from.  I think I will have the remaining beans and another grilled cheese sandwich.

Football was interesting- especially the Team with the teenager (in appearance) as quarterback.  He did very well.  Should be interesting going forward.  He needs to use that acne cream in the commercials. Tampa Bay did better than the Patriots yesterday.  Just saying........  there will be rumbling in Boston.

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