Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Daily Notes- September 1st

 I found this unfinished piece in one of the fabric baskets.  It just needs another go round of strips and it will be perfect to layer and quilt for Muffy's cigar box bed.  I had intended to give it a press with the iron before having it here- but I didn't get round to it.  The cloth I do have--is beige and I am thinking I need blue.  

I scraped all the paper off the cigar box- it turned out to be cardboard and not wood.  But that's okay. Today I will measure and make the mattress.  The box is "Just Right" for Muffy's dimensions.  Her head and /or feet will NOT have to hang over the edges. And I will look for wooden thread spools for the legs on the bed.  The lid of the box will be cut into two pieces- 2/3rds for the headboard and 1/3rd for the footboard.  I have thin craft sticks to glue on the boards to make it look like bead-board.

But I am mired down in yet another Andrews book.   I am 2/3rds in and all the exciting stuff is going to be happening right at the end. Spring Fever which has nothing to do with the story. My daughter got me Sunset Beach- same author and I have no idea if I ever read it- I have the Save the Date (florist/dog) on my reading table from library.  The Sun is not shining on a regular basis today- clouds mostly and in the 60's.  It feels cold.  Lots and lots of acorns littering the driveway and big healthy deer traveling thru the yard in the early morning and in the evening hours.  September. Not Hunting Season. Yet.  

With so many out of work- I expect to hear gun shots in the woods behind the house as soon as hunting season begins (even though it is quite illegal).  Bow season comes first.  Arrows can kill home owners out doing yard work just as easily. I never expected this- I live inside the Town limits.  

I always am reminded of the woman who lived next door when we first got here.  She would stand on her deck with a big metal pan and a heavy spoon and bang away.......scaring away any deer in the woods.  The hunters took aim at her... she dared them to shoot at her.  Pioneer stock.  I think I might ask husband to buy one of those air horns.  Scare all the deer over to the other side of the woods.  By the road and golf course.  Next door now- a doctor and a lawyer. At one time. that was the usual on this street.  Doctors and lawyers.  And us.  Well, there was that guy in the CIA.  That was interesting. But then he thought my husband was also CIA.  People still think that.  He wasn't.  He'd have been a much better liar if he was.

Its chilly but I do want one more ice cream cone from Dairy Queen.  We have been known to have the heat in the car going while eating ice cream. And we aren't the only ones doing that.

1 comment:

    esp the air horn and CIA!!!
    you go girl!
    X .(the exclamation point gal)
