Thursday, September 17, 2020

Daily Notes- September 17th

My neighbor down the street drove over and dropped off an armload of magazines this morning.  One was Gun&Garden and had a dog food ad with this British Lab, Scout.  His face reminds me so much of our Riley.  I had the random thought that perhaps Riley is now living another "dog life".  A hunting dog.  Riley had a body like this in his early to middle years- all muscle.  I am reminded of him flying out of snowbanks into the walking paths.  Such JOY. He loved to hear me scream and then laugh. And then give him a big hug and a few kisses.

Perhaps the twin's new puppy is a British Lab? They said Fenway is red. Our first Lab- a retired 125 pound red Lab named Rusty was a really wonderful guy as well.  We got to spend his last two years with him. His long time owners lived in a three story house and Rusty spent all his days alone in the garage- too lame to climb stairs. Until he was lifted (with tears) into our car and driven to Maine. No stairs.

Well, that's enough of that.  I made pizza for dinner last night and even though the cheese topping  got blackened a bit- it was a fine pie.  Today....G wants to take me out for ice cream-for sure.... but other than that we have no plans.

The Tree Guy came and we are removing a lot of trees from the Western boundaries of the yard.  Perhaps 15.  Some very, very large.  So, our guy thinks 7 to 10 full days of work. Half of the trees are "involved" in the power line from the street to the house so that means extra care and safety.  We wanted these trees removed because with any snow storms- the lights flicker as the branches bump into the lines. The other half are old and sick and one is even halfway to falling over and into the entire back lawn- taking out the fenced garden. A white pine- so you know I am glad to have that monster taken out.

Well, I have been off doing many things...interrupted so I will press publish and get on with the day.

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