Monday, September 14, 2020

Daily Notes- September 14th

Today was Grocery Shopping Day. I got apples (organic Galas) and bananas. I also bought cake mix and ice cream for my birthday on Friday when I will finish my 74th trip around the Sun and begin the 75th.  I think I got that right?  Tomorrow is my 52nd wedding anniversary.  Happier time than last year.

My friend's father and I share a birthday and he will be 102 on Friday.  But he isn't doing well and hospice thinks he may not make it.  We'll see. I am eating one of my organic apples as I type- very crisp and delicious. I spent more than usual today at the grocery.  I didn't buy much that was different so I can't really explain it- the ice cream?  Oh, and I purchased paper towels as they had Viva-- my brand today.

That little packet of cloth tied up with string is still missing.  Remains a "mystery".

We watched football yesterday.  The "new" Patriot quarterback.  And the "new" Tampa quarterback.  Cam had an excellent day and possibly wishing he had stayed in Boston.  The Ravens have an equally OLD quarterback and he did an amazing job.  Mrs Brady wanted to move to Florida. I didn't miss the fans in the stadium-- the recorded cheers sounded great but perhaps the players would have done better with fans???

I watched some Hallmark movie about a woman who thinks her dead husband is calling her on the phone. I had never seen it before and I would rate it at a 3 out of five.  Had so many of the Hallmark Bingo items. I tend to yell out "bingo" when one shows up in the plot.  I watched another one earlier in the day and it had "mechanical failure", "weather incident", and "overhearing a conversation and interpreting it incorrectly".  In that I think of it- both movies had the same three items.  "meet cute" is a given - that should be the free spot in the middle of the Bingo card. Dee you have to make up a set of cards.

Well, that's it.  I HAVE to vacuum the floors.  What a mess.  And I have a very full basket of dirty clothing so will need to do one or more loads of wash soon.  We were supposed to have pizza yesterday- Football Pizza- but we did not.  So we'll have it today.  Up top is my Rooster.  He got a bath when I washed and fed my orchids.  Everyone- including the Rooster had white mealy bugs.


  1. My mother will be 102 on Thursday. She lives in Portland ME. Unfortunately, I can't be with her because of the pandemic. I live near Portland OR, where the air is hazardous.
    Happy Birthday week.

  2. Yes, happy birthday and good luck with the mealy bugs.

  3. Hi there. Love reading your blog and seeing all the wonderful things you create. I'm new to hand stitching, just working my way through Jude's free online lessons and learning so much! We seem to read the same blogs: Dee Mellon, Hazel, Jude. I live in rural Australia, and am very interested in US life experiences. Hope you have a great birthday. Rose
