Friday, August 07, 2020

Daily Notes- August 7th

  Lets just settle for a picture the right size and ignore the blue line- shall we????  My fig tree.  It is enjoying outdoor Sun.  And vast amounts of water.  Making figs.  Chicago Brown Figs.

It's very hot outside today and I have had two near fainting experiences just watering the tomatoes. Of course, I was also trying to set them upright.  I decided to try using the circular tomato cages that normally get stuck into the garden soil.  I set them upside down on the driveway and set a cement paver on top to keep it steady.  Then tied the tomato branches- some bent and some not- to the cages.  Later I went to the side where nothing had fallen over (cherry tomatoes- the others were the large eating (sandwich) tomatoes) and set the cages upside down on the asphalt with a paver on top sort of wedged in-between the boxes and won't fall over.  Now I am in the house for good. I think.  Might go out later to do curbside pickup of three books for husband.  Garden and Peaches have been watered.

Spacing between paragraphs is also fun today.

Yesterday I was down to "not much of a choice" of books to read- romances.  Was left with the cowboy ones. Not my favorites but the one I read  yesterday was a delight.  Fancy young New York woman mistaken for new housekeeper on a ranch full of cowboys.  She is supposed to cook and clean. After burning most everything she manages to start turning out some really excellent food. Then the shooting started.

In the story- well, the beginning but missing somewhere mid story is a Gun for Hire.  Black Suit/ Silent Sort.  I liked him. Missed him when he was gone. Well, the last book on the pile- another Western and I read the back cover.  Gun for Hire guy from the previous book.  I told husband I feel like I won the lottery today. Going to settle into the couch and read.

I'm hydrating with lots of liquids today and will try to have a protein today.  I haven't had one in a while. Now the damned Blogger refuses to......oh, I just don't care.  See you tomorrow.

Deborah thank you for the Crow artist article and pictures.  I loved it and will be returning to it often in the next few days (weeks).  I do love Crows.

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