Friday, August 28, 2020

Daily Notes- August 28

 Pattern and Fabric.  One set of clothing did have pants- the Chef Set.  A tiny Chef's jacket and checkered pants.  And a fold.  One less hand sewn seam.  My daughter suggests making the legs narrower.  So you can see that they are pants.  We are talking about pants on a bear with 3 inch (or less) legs.  These will be French Pants. Provencal. Summer Pants.  Later I will make Winter Pants.  

Library is open to visiting today- Friday- so I think I will go have a look.  We have five books here at home and I am picking up two.  Husband has two books but spends 80% of his Reading Time on his iPhone.  He is doing that right now.  And he wonders where the day goes.  We have tried and tried to explain the link between screen time and mental/cognitive loss.  He won't listen- tunes our voices out.

The  Maine Wedding COVID Case number is now 87.  Mostly secondary (county jail) and third hand (family/relative) cases.  People who have no relationship to the wedding at all.  The State of Maine has taken the hotel/resort's license to operate away. They are officially out of business and all employees are out of work.  

My husband suggested this morning that I take all the rectangles off the wall and sew them together. 

I didn't appreciate that suggestion.

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